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John is available as a speaker on leadership figures from the ancient worlds of Persia, Classical Greece, Carthage and Rome and why their examples are relevant today. He firmly believes that history matters and that the lessons to be learned from it are important if we are to avoid its mistakes. Among the leaders that John discusses are the Persian kings Cyrus the Great, Darius and Xerxes- the Athenian philosophers Socrates, Plato, Xenophon and Aristotle- and the legendary military leaders Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar and Augustus.
John speaks to diverse audiences: academics, corporate leaders, diplomats, banking and investment clients and book associations.
Recent speaking engagements include the Smithsonian, Rotary International and the Hoover Institute with Steve Forbes, the Florida Association of Country Club Managers, the Belleair Country Club, Northern Trust Bank, Meridian House International, American University, the Classical Association of the Middle Atlantic States, the American Institute of Archaeology, Stanford University, the National Hellenic Museum in Athens, Greece, the Annual Forbes CEO Conference in New York, the Tunisian and Turkish Embassies, Princeton University, Vassar College and Rutgers University.
Among John's movie, television and radio appearances are a film on Hannibal produced by the BBC/National Geographic , C-SPAN, CNN and CNN International, the History Channel, Hannity and Colmes, PBS and the Voice of America.

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